Learning Kannada – WhatsApp Group Vs Skype Coaching 101 Vs Classroom Training Vs YouTube Video Tutorials Vs Audio Courses Vs An App – A Solid Comparison

If you are reading this, it is obvious you are looking for resources to learn Kannada.

There are many resources available today and a great number of wannabe teachers wanting to teach you Kannada either for free or for a fee. So, is it worth the investment?

Let’s look at why you want to learn Kannada?

Is it because the Karnataka Government is making it mandatory for people to know and speak the language?

Are you worried about job security?

Do you not want to get cheated the next time you shop for vegetables and fruits at the local market?

Do you honestly want to learn to speak Kannada in order to carry on a simple everyday conversation with the neighbours, colleagues, domestic help,office staff,even the stranger on the street when asking for or giving directions to your favourite restaurant?

That reminds me – how about being able to order your favourite masala dosa at the local restaurant and sip hot coffee right afterward? But, you want to know how to tell him to bring the vada sambar before the dosa, so it does not get cold?

“Kannada Kaliri! Kannada MaathaaDi!” (Learn Kannada! Speak Kannada!)

Let us take a serious look at the resources available to learn Kannada online today.

Classroom training Vs Skype Coaching 101 for Kannada learning?

If you want to learn any language,even Kannada, the first thing you do is look for resources online. So, most people begin their Search with Google. And youtube!

Let’s compare all the options available today to learn Spoken Kannada…………

Why Classroom training to learn Kannada? Here are a few things to consider…..

  • Is there a Kannada Learning School close to where you live?
  • Or do you have to commute far to reach?
  • Are their timings suitable for you?
  • Who is teaching? Are they Kannada trainers or a group of IT Professionals?
  • What are the reviews of past students?
  • Are you comfortable in a classroom scenario at your age to learn a new language?
  • And if you for some reason you cannot attend a class, do you lose that class? How do you make up for that class?
  • If the Kannada classes are being provided by your employer at your workplace, by all means make use of the opportunity. Unless you are a top executive & prefer a 101 Skype Coaching Program.

Top Reasons to Enrol for Kannada Skype Coaching with Kannada Fluenzy

  • On the other hand, learning Kannada online can be fun and interactive if your Kannada Skype tutor is experienced in teaching professionals like you.
  • Look for the testimonials/reviews given by past students on their website.
  • And make your choice! Take a look at the reviews on our Kannada Fluenzy website.
  • And best of all, you don’t  have to travel to meet the tutor, you can log in from your laptop / PC or mobile phone from anywhere!
  • Another plus, is if you have to travel on the days you have class, you can log in from wherever you are at the appointed time, or ask for a different date.
  • You can choose to have a class between 6 AM & 11 PM IST from anywhere in the world.
  • And you can ask for a specific goal,for eg. you wish to speak to certain people in Kannada in a few months time,and the tutor will help you gravitate towards that goal.
  • If you do not have familiar with Skype, we can have classes on a Whatsapp video call as well.

Why do some people buy Spoken Kannada Online Course

  • The Spoken Kannada Online Course or E-Course consists of Audio lessons in Mp3 format. These can be downloaded and carried with you. You can learn on the go!
  • You can learn directly on the Course website to which you are given access 24×7.
  • You can log in from anywhere, and from any device!
  • You do not miss any lesson if you are traveling or do not have time! You can resume whenever you want!
  • You save time and money traveling to a physical class.
  • You can study at your own pace,no hurry!
  • You can pause and rewind and play any number of times to get your pronunciations correct.
  • In short, this Spoken Kannada Audio Course is bought by those who are motivated enough to do self study.

Do you know anyone who joined a Learn Kannada Whatsapp group?

Did they learn to speak Kannada easily?

Joining a Whatsapp Kannada group can help you to some extent only. Some words and phrases are taught everyday. And anyone in the group can ask a question and any kannadiga in the group will answer.

  • The disadvantage with this is that there is no set curriculum.
  • And no consistency in teaching.
  • If you learn different things everyday, from different people, in a new language, as an adult learner it becomes difficult to piece together what you learnt and when you actually need to use the language. Yes, this is again an online method of learning, but not at all effective. I have met several people who were part of such whatsapp groups, even foreigners who struggle with remembering Kannada words and phrases let alone learning to frame sentences and questions in Kannada during their course and after finishing as well.
  • Also, these groups are run by young people from the IT industry who are doing their bit to spread Kannada language among the vast number of people who flood Bengaluru on work. Their goal is numbers, to get as many to say a few words in Kannada as possible.
  • Since those who teach Kannada are young people, they use a lot of slang, which would not be advisable for the top executives to use while speaking Kannada.
    For eg, You will be stared at in disbelief if you call out to anyone ,”yen Guru” .This can be used among close friends only,especially the youth. But, these whatsapp groups teach you to use this anywhere to anybody you meet, which is wrong, especially if you are not youth and let us say you have to address a neighbor, a stranger or a policeman.
  • Instead you should be using “yen ree”,”yejamaanre” or if you know their name, “Mohan avare” and so on.

So, joining a Kannada learning whatsapp group may sound fun and easy. But definitely not worth it!

Can I learn to speak Kannada from Kannada learning videos on youtube?

  • Sure, you will learn basic words,numbers, etc.
  • You will also learn grammatically correct text bookish conversation.Which is definitely not used in the colloquial.
  • You will waste time looking for the videos to teach only what you require.
  • You will get easily distracted,while searching through “related videos”.
  • Knowing a few words & phrases is not enough.You must learn to frame sentences & questions and be able to carry on a dialogue. Respectfully!
  • There are no such videos at present.

Is it possible to learn Kannada with Learn Kannada apps?

  • Most Kannada apps available online give you basics only. Some vocabulary and phrases.
  • They do not teach you to speak respectfully. According to gender & tenses.
  • Also, they give you text book versions of the language, not colloquial(as it is spoken).
  • We know of many students who failed in learning to speak Kannada by using these Kannada apps for a few days and then chose our Kannada Skype classes.

Yes, I want to learn Kannada fast. Can you recommend a good Spoken Kannada book or Guide?

Bookish knowledge vs practical knowledge-that’s the question you must answer!

Are you wanting to learn to speak Kannada or are you preparing for a Kannada exam for certification?

If your answer is just to be able to speak Kannada with local kannadiags anywhere in Karnataka,ditch the book. It will get you nowhere! Some of those books give you grammatically correct sentences which if you learn and use with the locals, you will get silly smiles.

Because, colloquial Kannada is definitely different from what you get in those books!

Colloquial Kannada will still be grammatically correct and respectful, but much more easy for you to learn, and remember and use in everyday life. This is what most kannadigas speak.

It is certainly easier to understand, and easy to learn and speak!

And then there are some books available, which make you learn the script first and then only teach you the sentences according to grammar. This will again benefit those wanting to read and write Kannada also. And those wanting to do an exam for certification ,attend interviews and be job ready.

We often ask the professionals who come to us for learning Kannada the reason for their opting for our Kannada Skype Coaching 101. Almost 40 % tell us that they bought spoken Kannada books or CDs and did not make any progress. And finally decided to invest in our Kannada Skype Coaching. And they all have a clear goal-to be able to speak respectfully and learn just what is required, without wasting precious time making endless mistakes in pronunciation and trying to remember words which you will never use in the situations that you will face.

I have bought English to Kannada dictionary. Is this going to help me learn to speak Kannada? How long will it take to be fluent?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Are you wanting to just speak Kannada or you have to pass an exam in Kannada and get certification?

If you are wanting to learn only to speak Kannada,why would you waste your time and money in acquiring an English to Kannada dictionary?

You will only end up getting overwhelmed and frustrated.

Soon, you will give up without learning Kannada.

Let’s put it this way:to learn French,would you buy the English to French dictionary? Would that help you ?

So, I hope you make the right choice in learning Spoken Kannada.

Happy Learning!
